01 March 31 March 2023


Aidon! Let's go for a mouâz of workshops, shows, balossrie, chminries and pés core ben d'aor surprises around the galo den l'mouâz d'mar! O La Granjagoul, léz cmunes and léz souètes du peïz join hands to discover the world of the caozment of Haote-Bertègne during the Mouâz du Galo. All the mouâz d'mar, n'ara bold d'cae perpozé for tertout e for all léz âjes, bet! Lady, alëz don cry your canepins!

Hop! Let's go for a month of workshops, shows, meetings, walks and surprises around the gallo in March!
Public authorities and associations of the territory join forces with The Granjagoul to make you discover the language of Upper Brittany during the Month of Gallo. Many family and intergenerational activities will be offered during the month of March, mark your calendars!

The galo qhi q'cét don?

Gallo is the Romance language of Brittany. The term gallo comes from a Celtic root “gall”. It designates in Brittany the one who uses the Romance language of Upper Brittany, distinct from Breton. The existence of a linguistically dual Brittany has been attested since the Middle Ages.

The Month of Gallo 2023 with La Granjagoul

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