in Fougeres

Chasse aux trésors Le Fabuleux Trésor de Fougères

Discover the Fabulous Treasure of Fougères! To do this, you must first find 5 other caches: The Treasure of Saint-Aubin du Cormier, Saint-Brice between bocage and history, A walk full of Antrain, The hidden treasure of Parcé – Heading for small rural heritage, and Louvigné on The Roc. Each contains a clue that will allow you to reconstruct the coordinates of the “Fabulous Treasure of Fougères”.
But be careful, you will have to be clever to access the log book (and leave a message) and find the mystery word...
Visit the Trésors de Haute Bretagne website (, or download the “Trésors de Haute-Bretagne” application to discover the details of this mystery cache


35300 Ferns
How do I get there?

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